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Chronic Pain




When I first visited Julie in August 2003, I was taking 90mg morphine daily for more than two years for my hand injury. I have not taken any pain medication since my first visit. It has been more than 6 years now. Julie also helped me with migraines and other chronic problems.





March 15, 2017


I am a disabled veteran and I have multiple injuries including neck, shoulder, back, hips, elbows, legs, and feet injuries. I have lived in excruciating pain for many years and had an open prescription for Oxys. At one point I was taking 615 mg of oxycodone a day but I was still in pain. The VA referred me for acupuncture, and after just 4 treatments, 30 years of pain is gone and my left arm works again with no pain and no popping sounds. The orthopedic surgeon had just told me that it was so bad that a shoulder replacement would not help, but now I do not need one! My shoulder works again after years of having to hold it at my side. This treatment is a miracle and I suggest it to everyone, as I have found it to also be spiritually uplifting and has helped my stress and PTSD levels. I think this is the new medicine! By the way, I have stopped taking oxycodone.





I was on morphine, 120 mg daily, for 3 1/2 years when I came to see Julie two years ago. Julie's acupuncture greatly reduced my back and hip pain and improved my general health. I have not used any morphine for more than two years now. 

Neal J.



May 3, 2012

I came in today to see Dr. Julie Fu. I have been having chronic pain from neck surgery and the diagnosis of RA pain throughout my entire body. After me treatment, I am having no pain and feeling like my body is having a rebirth. I look forward to spending time with Dr. Julie to continue the healing of my body. I am so happy to find this wonderful healer. Thank you from my heart


P.S. I am feeling great again at 64. 



November 22, 2012

I so look forward to my Julie visits! After a visit I feel able to cope with my pain and can get back to life. Each visit I get better and better. Chronic pain is awful to have to deal with, and I am so happy to have a way to help me feel good. For the first time, I feel hope that I will not have this pain everyday for the rest of my life! IBS issues are all gone. Asthma is no problem now, and I am sleeping through the night. I have had lower back pain for fifteen years and it is all but gone.




March 7, 2013


I am 87 years old and had excruciating pain in my right leg and ankle. I tried therapy, a chiropractor and a shot in my back. Then I found Julie Fu. After several visits my leg no longer bothers me and I have lots of energy back.

Thank you Julie!

Betty H.



About one and a half years ago, my daughter (sixteen years old) started having numbness and pain in her arms, from her shoulders to her fingertips. Sometimes she would loose feeling all together. As time went on the pain would actually move around to various parts of her body, arms, legs, neck, back, shoulders, etc.etc. At times when she would be hurting, she would actually lose her eyesight for a short period of time and it would always return in a few minutes. She has been through so many tests like: MRI, Cat Scan, Blood Work, Nerve Tests, Ultra Sound and everything always says there is nothing wrong. So they gave her more pills and sent her home to suffer in pain. Final straw is that she was told there was nothing wrong with her, and she should get counseling for her mental problems, because her pain was in her mind, so that led us to Julie.

She has been to at least a half dozen doctors: Two Neurologists, one Nerve Specialist, one Naturopath, one OBGYN, three Doctors in Urgent Care, and two Primary Physicians.

Ten doctors all together with no results and within thirty minutes of Julies treatment she felt instantly better. The last doctor we saw was Dr. H. at Urgent Care and he saw her three times and could find nothing to help Kalyn, so he gave us Julies card and thought maybe she could help in ways that he could not. So far with the first visit she says most of the pain is gone, or greatly reduced. Dr. H. says there are some things that medical doctors just cannot figure out, but he said that Julie helped him and that we should give it a try, because something special was going on in her office, but he could not explain what it was; he just knew that it was working.

Before Treatment........................................ After First Treatment

Abdominal Pain Before ---------9.................................... After ------0

Headache Before----------------6.....................................After -------0

Kneck and Shoulders Before---8.....................................After--------0

Back and Hips Before----------8.................................... After--------0

Knee Before--------------------7......................................After--------0

Rib Area Pain Before----------5.....................................After--------0

Dizzy Before--------------------Yes .................................After------- No

Nausea Before------------------Yes.................................... After------- No

Chills----------------------------Yes.................................... After------- No

Night Sweats-------------------Yes.................................... After------- No

Difficult Urination------------Yes .................................After------- No

Blurry/Dry Eyes Before--------Yes................................... After------- No


Ken M., One Happy Dad

March 26, 2010

Came in for second treatment. Here is a list of symptoms before and after the treatment:

Before Treatment........................................ After Second Treatment

Abdominal Pain Before ---------5.................................... After ------0

Headache Before----------------4.....................................After -------0

Kneck and Shoulders Before---0.....................................After--------0

Back and Hips Before----------8.................................... After--------0

Knee Before--------------------0......................................After--------0

Rib Area Pain Before----------0.....................................After--------0

Dizzy Before--------------------No .................................After------- No

Nausea Before------------------No.................................... After------- No

Chills----------------------------No.................................... After------- No

Night Sweats-------------------No.................................... After------- No

Difficult Urination------------No .................................After------- No

Blurry/Dry Eyes Before--------Yes................................... After------- No


The number one thing Kalyn came in for was pain in her stomach and bad headaches. By her second treatment she has almost no pain at all in her stomach or head. Her whole attitude has changed since she has seen Julie, she says she is very happy.


Testimonial from Ken's Daughter Kalyn:

April, 9, 2010

Since the third treatment I have experienced no stomach, shoulder, neck or hip pain. Also no rib pain, no dizziness or nausea and I have had nothing but a few slight headaches. Since my last treatment I have slept better since I began coming to see Julie and I am more relaxed and my concentration is much better and my mind is completely clear from all the pain and stress. All around I am a much happier person.

Thank you Julie!

Kalyn (16 yrs old)



September 28, 2009

Julie, I wanted to thank you for all the help you have given me with the pain I have had for over thirty years. I was unable to work, and had to retire early, because of my back and now I am feeling better and have been able to cut way back on my pain medications because of your help. I also have fibromyalgia and you have helped with the pain from that so much that I have been able to cut my medications for it by a third so far and I believe you will be able to make it even less than that. I also have chronic bursitis in my shoulders that you have helped and are helping now. You have eliminated pain in my hips, neck and my knee (left) so I can get more exercise (walking) to lose weight. It is wonderful not to be so groggy from all the medications I was taking. Thank you so much! I plan to come in regularly to keep the pain away. I also appreciate the herbs you have given me as they have helped me to not to be so nervous. Even my vision has improved and the eye doctor could not figure out why!



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