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October 28, 2011


I came to see Julie for eye pain and pressure. I have suffered from Glaucoma for many years, and as a result I have lost most of the vision in my left eye and have had the vision in my right steadily declining. I have been under the care of an optometrist during this time, and have been taking medication for the extreme pain and pressure that I feel in both eyes. When I was younger, I was shot in the eye with a slingshot (in 1971) and have had eye pain ever since. My optometrist has told me my eyes cannot improve and will only continue to get worse.

When I came in for my first treatment today, I was suffering from pain and near blindness in my left eye. I have also been suffering from breathing problems, for which I see a specialist. I have been short of breath for 3-4 months. Now after my treatment, it feels as though there is no problem with my eyes at all. My vision is clearer than it has been in a very long time, and there is no longer any pressure on either eye! Also, I am no longer suffering from shortness of breath. I feel like a new man! I am very relaxed with no more tension in my body. Even the ringing in my ears has lessened slightly.


Joe A.



August 16, 2011

Julie, I have seen eight doctors in the past eight months who are ear and eye specialists.  My symptoms included pain in the eyes and redness and pain in the outer ear, with intense pressure in the inner ear and dizziness.  The doctors have been unable to determine exactly what causes the pain and discomfort or to find a way to reduce the symptoms.  However, after one treatment from you, the pain in my eyes disappeared and after two treatments the dizziness was gone and most of the pain and pressure in my ears.  I am most grateful for the wonderful care you have given me. 


Thank You!




September 28, 2011

Julie, when I first came to see you I was suffering from eye pain, and severe discomfort with my ears (pressure and pain) and Vertigo. I had recently retired, yet spent eight months prior seeing a specialist each month. Doctors feared a tumor, leaking Carotid Artery, and a host of other possibilities. However, after MRIs, CAT Scans, X-Rays and many exams, none of the doctors had an answer, or a diagnosis and treatment plan. Although I had been in excellent health, I was now severely limited in physical activity due to the dizziness and fear of falling and sustaining injury. My eyes were bloodshot and painful, and my hearing severely limited. After one treatment, I felt better~ much better. After three treatments my eyes were clear and all the pain was gone. The vertigo disappeared completely, as did almost all of the pressure in my ears.  Last week I finished building a new deck on my house, spending each day eight to ten hours working on a ladder or second story platform, for nine days. I feel as if I am years younger. The treatment far exceeded my expectations. I did not believe  my good health would return. When I told my primary doctor of your results, (he knows you) he smiled and said, “Go Julie!” Thank you so much for your wonderful care and healing hands.




October 2011

I came over to see Julie on October 28, 2011 for eye pain and pressure. I have suffered from Glaucoma for many years, and as a result I have lost the vision in my left eye, and have had the vision in my right steadily declining. I have been under the care of an optometrist during this time, and have been taking medication for the extreme pain and pressure that I feel in both eyes.  After my first acupuncture treatment I felt immediate relief from this pain. I also felt more relaxed and my vision was clearer. The ringing in my ears that accompanied the glaucoma was less. Through a combination of the medicine and the acupuncture I have experienced relief from the pain caused by the glaucoma, and my vision has improved as a result. 

A Happy Patient



I came to Dr. Fu following cataract surgery ~ my eye did not heal correctly and I experienced dryness and edema. My vision has now improved, the swelling has decreased, and the dryness is better. Additionally throughout treatment, I have experienced more peace of mind, enhanced concentration and improved memory. I have stronger well being, and improved energy. Acupuncture has greatly improved both my physical and mental well-being. Julie is so knowledgeable and wonderful to work with. I also want to add, since coming to Julie, I no longer experience headaches, chilly hands/feet, and I now sleep through the night.

Thanks so much, Julie!




March 9, 2012

I make the trip into Eugene for Acupuncture with Julie regularly. I was having extremely bad pain in my eyes and head due to high blood pressure. Dr. Julie helped me with this and I feel that if I can bring the treatments closer together they will help to

 bring an end to the pain sooner. As I leave today I am much better than before.

 I have every confidence it will go away.


I.C. ~ Port Orford, OR


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