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Nerve, Joint, Muscle Pain/ Injury




March 2010

About one and a half years ago, my daughter (sixteen years old) started having numbness and pain in her arms, from her shoulders to her fingertips. Sometimes she would loose feeling all together. As time went on the pain would actually move around to various parts of her body, arms, legs, neck, back, shoulders, etc.etc. At times when she would be hurting, she would actually lose her eyesight for a short period of time and it would always return in a few minutes. She has been through so many tests like: MRI, Cat Scan, Blood Work, Nerve Tests, Ultra Sound and everything always says there is nothing wrong. So they gave her more pills and sent her home to suffer in pain. Final straw is that she was told there was nothing wrong with her, and she should get counseling for her mental problems, because her pain was in her mind, so that led us to Julie. She has been to at least a half dozen doctors: Two Neurologists, one Nerve Specialist, one Naturopath, one OBGYN, three Doctors in Urgent Care, and two Primary Physicians.

Ten doctors all together with no results and within thirty minutes of Julies treatment she felt instantly better. The last doctor we saw was Dr. H. at Urgent Care in Eugene and he saw her three times and could find nothing to help Kalyn, so he gave us Julie's card and thought maybe she could help in ways that he could not. So far with the first acupuncture visit she says most of the pain is gone, or greatly reduced. Dr. H. says there are some things that medical doctors just cannot figure out, but he said that Julie helped him and that we should give it a try, because something special was going on in her office, but he could not explain what it was; he just knew that it was working.

Before Treatment........................................ After First Treatment

Abdominal Pain Before ---------9.................................... After ------0

Headache Before------------------6.....................................After -------0

Kneck and Shoulders Before---8.....................................After--------0

Back and Hips Before----------8.................................... After--------0

Knee Before--------------------7......................................After--------0

Rib Area Pain Before----------5.....................................After--------0

Dizzy Before--------------------Yes .................................After------- No

Nausea Before------------------Yes.................................... After------- No

Chills----------------------------Yes.................................... After------- No

Night Sweats-------------------Yes.................................... After------- No

Difficult Urination------------Yes .................................After------- No

Blurry/Dry Eyes Before--------Yes................................... After------- No


Ken M., One Happy Dad


March 26, 2010

Came in for second treatment. Here is a list of symptoms before and after the treatment:

Before Treatment........................................ After Second Treatment

Abdominal Pain Before ---------5.................................... After ------0

Headache Before----------------4.....................................After -------0

Kneck and Shoulders Before---0.....................................After--------0

Back and Hips Before----------8.................................... After--------0

Knee Before--------------------0......................................After--------0

Rib Area Pain Before----------0.....................................After--------0

Dizzy Before--------------------No .................................After------- No

Nausea Before------------------No.................................... After------- No

Chills----------------------------No.................................... After------- No

Night Sweats-------------------No.................................... After------- No

Difficult Urination------------No .................................After------- No

Blurry/Dry Eyes Before--------Yes................................... After------- No


The number one thing Kalyn came in for was pain in her stomach and bad headaches. By her second acupuncture treatment she has almost no pain at all in her stomach or head. Her whole attitude has changed since she has seen Julie, she says she is very happy.


Testimonial from Ken's Daughter Kalyn:

April, 9, 2010

Since the third acupuncture treatment I have experienced no stomach, shoulder, neck or hip pain. Also no rib pain, no dizziness or nausea and I have had nothing but a few slight headaches. Since my last treatment I have slept better since I began coming to see Julie and I am more relaxed and my concentration is much better and my mind is completely clear from all the pain and stress. All around I am a much happier person. Thank you Julie!

Kalyn (16 yrs old)



August 7, 2012

I suffered from severe fibromyalgia, with pain all over my body and fatigue for 20 years. The pain was so severe that I could not continue to work and was forced to retire at 52 years old. 

Yesterday, I had a fall of a ladder and injured my left knee, both wrists, and both ankles. I came into Julie's office today for my fifth visit and felt relief right away. I am so glad that Julie has been able to help me so much. After this treatment with Julie my knee pain has goen from a 6 to a 2, my wrist pain from a 4 to 0, and my ankle a pain a 4 to a 2. 

I am so happy to have found Julie. She has already helped me so much with five visits so far. I am looking forward to more visits with her, to further improve my health.





Julie, you have been my doctor for over two years here in Eugene. Since I came to see you in November 2007, I cancelled my hip replacement surgery after first visit with you since my hip felt better right way. I no longer have hypertension or high cholesterol. You have also helped me with insomnia, neck, hands and back pains, a severe knee injury, cold numb feet and a chronic cough. You have also become a good friend. Thank you so much for the good care.

Dave R.



   December 2, 2011

Three years ago I was in a helicopter that one rotor blade came apart and with the loss of weight on one blade only it caused a very bad vibration and tried to toss me out the door. I did not have all my straps on and my upper body was tossed side to side with a lot of force. I made it home, but I was in bed for four months with pain. After I could get out and about I went and had a MRI and CAT scan and all the blood work possible. I think I had something very wrong because of the pain. (Back pain that radiated to the rib cage, abdomen as well as the leg and foot) The doctors could not find a thing wrong, but now I found Julie Fu, and have been here seven times now and doing so much better, and should go back to work without any pain.

 Helicopter Mechanic



September 20, 2010

I came to you for pain in my right arm from being a bowler. After my first treatment last week, I was able to bowl the same night pain free all that time. I had more energy, stress free and had not one ache in my body. It was amazing. Today is my second treatment and I feel great. My mind is clear and my arm feels great. No headache for the last week. I have referred you to several people to date and will continue. Thank you always,




September 28, 2010

Three years ago I came to Julie for acupuncture after a car accident. I was not only in a lot of body pain but had headaches, a cloudy mind and trouble focusing as well. As a researcher, I was very frustrated. Acupuncture relieved all my symptoms. Not only that, my cholesterol has been normal for three years without medication, and prior to seeing Julie, the level was over 600. I used to have severe sleep apnea before seeing Julie and now I no longer have this. The C-pap machine that cost over three thousand dollars, I have not used it for three years now. Acupuncture really improved my general health for sure.




January 10, 2010

I fell down some stairs and severely sprained both my ankles. They were bad. Paramedics thought one might be broken. They were not, thank goodness. I was in severe pain, had terrible bruising, limited range of motion, and both ankles were as big as grapefruits. When I came to see Julie, I could not believe it. The swelling reduced by half each time during the first two visits and the pain subsided to the point that they only hurt when I put weight on them first thing in the morning. The next week, she had me move them around and rotate them while I had needles in. My range of motion improved substantially. I also did not need the wheelchair or crutches any longer and the pain was gone. This is my fifth visit. I came in limping, and I am walking out like noting ever happened. They are still swollen and I have to be careful not to re-injure them but it is amazing how quickly such a severe sprain has healed.


Shelli Y.



December 6, 2007

Thank you so much for your care. When I came to see you I was walking with two canes and had a headache every day! I was rear ended by a Recreational Vehicle in July of 2006 and have been in misery ever since. Besides my daily headaches, I had extreme pain in numerous areas of my body. I feel so much better everywhere! I have had seventeen months of western medicine with no help and was referred by my neurologist to see Julie. After one acupuncture treatment with you my headaches were gone and I no longer need my canes to walk. I expect it to take longer for some of my hurts. You are my HERO! I cannot sing your praises enough. If any of your patients would like to talk to me, I would be very happy to talk to them, as I have been willing to drive into Eugene to see you.

Orie J., Mapleton, Oregon



June 19, 2008

I came to you after many rounds of physical therapy and back surgery related to pain in my lower back, knees and hips. I was always stiff and afraid to move without tinges of pain and discomfort. I had difficulty walking up and down stairs and most times would have to take them one at a time. Muscle fatigue in my upper thighs and buttocks prevented me from walking over fifty or one hundred feet without stopping to rest. Since my treatment with you began some three months ago I have regained some semblance of a normal life. I can now go up and down stairs one at a time. I can get in and out of my car without feeling like I have been in a straight jacket for four hours. The pain in my left knee has subsided and the pain in my lower back has all but disappeared. I have also managed to lose several pounds and my blood pressure is now down to less than 120/70. My Cholesterol is not high anymore; my diabetes is under control and is the best in twelve years. I am confident that with additional treatment you will be able to help me regain my ability to walk great distances without stopping to rest due to fatigue. Thank you for all you have done so far! I am looking forward to continuing my treatments.

Walter R.



When I first visited Julie in August 2003 I was taking morphine ninety mg. a day for more than two years for my hand injury. I have not taken any pain meds since the first visit. It has been more than five years now. Thank you,




March 20, 2009

I, Blane Stuner came to see Julie today for my second acupuncture treatment. I had very bad stomach, back and leg pain and depression. I have had 2 bad accidents, that were followed by three severe surgeries, and was in so much pain everyday. Now that I have had my treatment I am very happy and in very little pain, and before, the pain was all that I felt all day long, day in and day out for five years, as well as being out of work for five years. I felt my life was pretty much done. Since my first visit I have not used my spinal cord stimulator and I feel great. I have not used much morphine or other pain medicine since my first visit. I am much better and actually feel like smiling J, and have an appetite for the first time in a long time, and I have circulation in my bad leg, back, hip and my stomach feels much better after the first treatment. Thank you Julie!



March 9, 2009

I am 87 years old and have suffered with severe hip and leg pain for more than 1 year. I walked with 2 canes and my primary care physician referred me to Julie. I felt better right after my first visit, now I feel no pain most of the time, and do not need my canes to walk anymore. I am more positive and much happier now. My vertigo is gone as well as my chronic cough is gone. I can see and hear better and sleep better. I have found that my memory has improved as well. I am happy that I am able to drive again and no longer need a care-giver! You have helped me so much.

John H.



March 20, 2009

I came to complaints of terrible shoulder pain not even able to move it. I was losing sleep with neck pain as well. Other symptoms, included were bloated stomach, cramps, dry mouth, rib pain, and stress related symptoms. I've been diagnosed with type II diabetes also. My other doctor had me scheduled for a cortisone shot, and I decided to wait with Julie's recommendation. After just two appointments, all above symptoms have greatly improved and some have disappeared. 

Thank you!

Ken M.



Julie, we just want to thank you so very much for all your special help. You are amazing - wish we had come earlier. Mike had gout with severe knee and feet pain as well as an ankle injury and doesn't need to walk with his cane since his first treatment because you cured his gout, injuries, and he is pain free now. His chronic cough is gone as well as his high cholesterol is now normal without medication. Sue no longer has an upset stomach; she sleeps well and no longer has headaches. Thanks again!

Mike & Sue



August 11, 2008

I hope that more people will discover the effective and fast benefits of acupuncture. When I injured my knee, it was so swollen and painful I had to use crutches to get into the office. After one treatment, I could walk almost pain free without crutches! My knee became strong so fast I wasn't sure I needed the follow up visit, but I came for one because acupuncture treats so many besides the injury.

Thank goodness for Julie's expert acupuncture.





I must tell you after six visits, my sciatica is so much better as well as my eyes and general health is so much better. My glucose is lowest is four years now; my goal is to stop taking my pills for my diabetes. I will do this with your help! 

Thank you, my outlook on life is so much better!




My husband came to you January 12, 2009. He could barely walk without pain and after just one treatment with you, he walked out feeling GREAT! Thank you,




When I first visited Julie in August 2003, I was taking morphine - 90 mg a day for more than two years for my hand injury. I haven't taken any pain medications since the first visit. It's been more than five years now.

Thank you,


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