Depression/ Stress/ Anxiety/ Bipolar

In 1977, I was hospitalized and diagnosed as bi-polar. Initially, I was on many medications including lithium. Despite being told I would have to stay on medication for life, I looked for alternatives. I went off my medication in 1980 and was able to maintain somewhat of an emotional balance with homeopathy. I no longer experienced the manic high I had reached in 1977,but continued to suffer from low-level depression for the next 27 years. After menopause, I experienced another manic episode, which was triggered by Prozac and became suicidal. I went to a doctor and tried several medications until I went back on lithium. Within a few weeks my suicidal thoughts were gone but I was back to not feeling any emotion and I had gained 40 pounds. I resigned myself to the fact that I would have to remain on medication for the rest of my life and stopped searching for alternatives. I fought the voices inside my head, telling me to kill myself and connected with a psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. We tried several medications until I went back on lithium.
In 2006, I started experiencing migraines and knew I did not want to take any additional medication. That summer I went to see Dr. Julie Fu for the first time. The migraines stopped right away. She looked at my medical history and told me she could cure my bi-polar illness. Because of my past experiences, I was initially skeptical and was not willing to go off my medication. I agreed to undergo acupuncture treatments while continuing my medication. I had a total of 10 treatments between September and December of 2006. With each treatment, I could feel a dramatic change taking place in my nervous system and was able to sleep deeply every night for the 1st time in over 15 years.
My depression gradually lifted and I became able to think clearer. I reached a point where I realized that I no longer needed my medication. I worked with Dr. Fu and my psychiatric nurse practitioner and went off my medication. I was able to go longer between treatments without feeling any depression for the first time in over 27 years. My thought patterns changed, and I was able to sort through and discard things that had accumulated in my home over those long years of depression.
At the same time I was healing, the stress in my personal life reached an all time high when my mother –in-law and sister-in-law both got cancer. Despite the intense stress, and during the worst of it, I did not feel the need for any additional acupuncture treatments because I did not experience any depression or anxiety. I went beyond coping with life and have been able to joyfully embrace it. Dr. Fu gave me hope. I experienced an extraordinary healing and continue to thrive. I am grateful.
A Grateful Patient
March 6, 2016
I am so glad I found Julie. I have been suffering from anxiety, depression, as well as Adrenal Fatigue. After three trips to the ER I finally decided to give acupuncture a try.
I couldn't believe how welcoming and reassuring Julie was. She is one of the most passionate doctors I have ever met. Julie absolutely loves all of her patients. Her passion to heal your body is something to be admired. Her office is filled with endless testimonies and thank you cards.
Needless to say, since I have been seeing her, I have not had one panic attack and finally had a normal cortisol test. I am sleeping so much better and I feel like I can live.
Julie is a true gift from God. I do not know what I would have done if had not found her. If I could give her 100000 stars for her services, I would. She is amazing.
Miss K.
September 21, 2016
I must update my review! Since I been seeing Julie for 6 months now, my health has continued to improve dramatically. Before I met her, as I mentioned before, I was in and out of the hospital so desperate to fine any type of relief from my anxiety, depression, PMDD, adrenal fatigue and many more health issues. One night I prayed the Lord would direct me to someone who could assist in my healing and literally Julie's website came up. I just knew (not being from here) by seeing her picture on her page that she was the one to help me with my healing process. Now six months later, I do not suffer from any panic attacks, I get amazing sleep, I have more energy, and on top of that I have even lost weight. I am so blessed to have her as my go-to-gal that I now have mom, aunt, fiance, friends and even my 5 5-year-old daughter seeing her.
Julie Fu could literally save you from any health ailment that is affecting you. I have seen her work miracles in my family as well as patients that are coming in. I just can't express how much love and gratitude I have for this woman. She literally has saved my LIFE! Plus her staff is so sympathetic and welcoming. The whole office team shares the same passion as Julie when it comes to seeing people get healed. I can't say it enough... Julie Fu, you are my angel and I am so blessed for your healing hands!
December 20, 2016
I cannot put into words how grateful I am for you. Not only have you saved my life (when I actually was begging to die), you also helped my loved ones. Your kindness and passion for your patients is unbelievable. We need more doctors like you in this world!
Love always,
Katie and Family
I am so happy that I received a treatment from Julie today! I came in feeling dull, lethargic, and dealing with grief in my life. Oh my what a difference! I now feel stronger in every way. I have focus, normal energy to finish my day, and the sadness is at a level that I am able to deal with it better now. I have experienced a progression of the atrophy in the muscles in my legs in the past year. Today I can say my legs feel stronger when I walk and my balance is more stable. Thank you Dr. Julie!
August 16, 2011
I was recommended to come and see Dr. Fu by a neighbor. I suffered from depression, anxiety, and binge eating. After two sessions, I feel that my symptoms have lessened. My sleep has improved tremendously - with pleasant dreams too! Thank you Dr. Fu for your help.
I sincerely feel that I am on a path of healing,
December 9, 2011
Thank you Julie for being here today. My daughter's death made me make the decision to leave treatment for a time, as I was quite devastated. But today, I walked in and up the stairs, saw your door was open and came in. There you were, standing in the reception office. Thank you for making room for us. I have missed your sweetness and my acupuncture treatments, as my life has been very heavy.
August 13, 2010
I first started getting acupuncture from Julie Fu following a painful divorce. I was depressed and the acupuncture treatments she provided lifted my mood and gave me a much more positive outlook. When I came in to see her initially, I did not want to get out of bed, my body felt like it was made me concrete, and I was very frightened of everything. I felt uplifted immediately following the first treatment. After five weeks of acupuncture, I did not need to come back.
I suffer with Bi-Polar Disorder, I felt hopeless and useless, and with Julies help I feel like a part of the world again. I am not on any anti-depressant drugs anymore and I feel great!
Thank You Julie
March 19, 2009
My name is Christine. I first came to Julie three weeks ago. I was stressed and dizzy all the time. I was also suffering from severe headaches and was never able to sleep at night more than 4 hours. Julie has given me my health back. All of my symptoms are gone. I am extremely grateful for her incredible help, kindness and gentle care. I love Julie and I am certain that you will be as well. In a crazy way I kind of wishing that I did not get well too soon so I can keep on coming here. To your health! It does not hurt.
Take a deep breath and enjoy, Life is good! Thank you Julie!
Christine L.
June 12, 2009
I was amazed at how much better I felt after one visit. I slept soundly all night, which rarely happened before. My anxiety is slipping away day by day, and my outlook on life is brighter. The intense pervading sadness is gone. My general health is better, including life long digestive and IBS problems. My body continues to heal itself. I cannot adequately express my thanks to Julie for changing my life.
Thank you,
I am so happy to have found you here in Eugene! I wanted to feel better without prescription drugs and you have done just that! After my first visit I felt calm & happy! Not Sad or Overwhelmed! It is amazing and I feel for the first time that I am getting BETTER! Not just masking the symptoms. Thank You ~ Thank You! Your Work Is Amazing!!!
Update 9/9/11: It has now been three years, and I have not experienced any depression, and I have not taken any medication!
April 11, 2012
When I came to Julie, I was very depressed, exhausted and discouraged. I have been out of work for some time. I have not slept a good nights sleep for many years. After my first treatment I felt hope and joy for the first time in many years. I dont cry anymore. I do not feel sad and my mind and focus is so much clearer. My anxiety is gone and no more tightness and palpitations in my heart. My heart feels open and joyful and I feel hopeful for the future. Julie is an amazing, wise healer. I feel truly blessed!